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BMW Unveils Details On Its i Electric Project

According to multiple news sources, BMW’s i Electric project has been announced.

Reports show that BMW decided to invest massively in the new “i” brand by developing a model that uses carbon-fiber technology, increasing the effectiveness of the batteries by cutting some of the extra weight of crucial components.

Experts say that the new technology allows for strong and fast energy recuperation. The “one-pedal drive” ensures that the brake lights come on once the driver takes his or her foot off the acceleration pedal.

BMW has worked tirelessly to offset the disadvantage that most electric drivetrain vehicles experience due to the car’s weight.

The new i3s could be available to American drivers for $40k, experts say.

If you’re willing to learn more about this vehicle, follow this link.

About the Author
The Vachon Law Firm is based in Southern California and focuses exclusively on consumer protection litigation.