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BMW’s Autonomous Car Technology Tested

Multiple media outlets reported that BMW is now working on creating its own driverless car system and the new technology is being tested with the 330i sedan.

According to one of the reporters who got to test the technology, the 330i was driven by the car’s own system without the help or supervision of the human behind the wheel. The BMW’s TrackTrainer drove across the Mazda Raceway at Laguna Seca with the help of its recently developed autonomous technology. The vehicle was equipped with machine-vision equipment, GPS, track maps, and telemetry, which keep the vehicle focused on navigating certain roads on its own.

The reporter claimed that, while he was behind the wheel of the driverless car, he felt like he was much safer than he has ever been before, in spite of the fact that he considers himself to be a good driver. According to the news, some of the technology’s most ardent supporters believe that the autonomous car can help the country to keep the number of auto accidents down, which is one of the government’s main concerns.

Statistics prove that the country wastes over $300 billion a year to repair the damage caused by auto accidents, which could be spared if more autonomous cars were out on the road, according to some. The reporter who tested the system claims that by allowing autonomous car systems to take the wheel for drivers will keep the roads safer since drivers won’t be easily distracted or led to engage in behaviors that could eventually lead to crashes.

Some tests are still being run, according to the engineers responsible for the creation of this technology. Until the moment this system is available to consumers, drivers are asked to remember that they are responsible for road safety and that, being alert and focused on the road ahead will always pay off when it comes to staying safe.

Hopefully, this autonomous vehicle system will be perfected and more vehicles equipped with this technology will be tested. Safety devices that are designed to keep roads safer and make vehicles more efficient should always be welcome.

Until then, most automakers have been implementing other types of intelligent safety technology to newer vehicles, which may help drivers to stay safe and keep the number of accidents low.

If you’re interested in learning more about this technology and you believe that the autonomous car system could help drivers and make roads safer, click here for the full article.

About the Author
The Vachon Law Firm is based in Southern California and focuses exclusively on consumer protection litigation.