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Car Owners Rely On Apple, Google For Their Auto Safety Needs

According to several news sources, multiple agencies have been carrying out surveys to learn more about what are the consumers’ preferences when it comes to car features.

It’s no surprise that distracted driving is an epidemic across the country but recent reports show that the distractions linked to the use of smartphones behind the wheel are also spreading to other countries. According to a recent research, a little over 47 percent of all drivers who were surveyed in the UK about car safety features and distracted driving said they recognize that the use of cell phones behind the wheel have accounted for the increase in the number of auto accidents. Also according to this research, 21 percent of all drivers surveyed agreed that companies like Apple would develop safety technology better and much faster than automakers. Google was also mentioned by 19.8 percent while Volvo was mentioned by 19.7 percent of all drivers surveyed.

For the full article, click here to read the full report.

About the Author
The Vachon Law Firm is based in Southern California and focuses exclusively on consumer protection litigation.