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Does Volvo Make The Safest Cars Of All?

According to several reports, auto safety researchers have indicated that Volvo may have manufactured the safest vehicle in the world.

Competition may be fierce since the industry has started to take into account the fact that consumers are more interested in safety features than anything else when looking for a vehicle, however, Volvo continues to be the leading brand when it comes to car technologies.

The automaker continues to develop and implement new features that combine technology, reliability and quality. New Volvo vehicles that come with new active safety systems have contributed in making Volvo cars involved in 27 percent fewer damage accidents. Reports also show that 51 percent fewer bodily injury accidents associated with Volvo vehicles have been reported as a result of the implementation of safety technologies.

As an attorney, I’m glad that the automaker has been dedicated to making vehicles that are safer and more reliable. To learn more about Volvo vehicles and the new technologies that have been designed to keep drivers safe, follow this link.

About the Author
The Vachon Law Firm is based in Southern California and focuses exclusively on consumer protection litigation.