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Experts Review The 2012 Tesla Model S And Its Battery Life

New battery-powered cars have recently hit the road, but, in most cases, these electric vehicles still use gas. Some of the all-electric cars only go a short time on battery power.

Experts say that this is not true when it comes to the new 2012 Tesla, which was designed to leave this reality behind. Engineers designed a vehicle that, with its 85 kilowatt-hours of battery life, can keep up with highway speeds while its A/C and stereo are on full power, and still have battery left over for more.

This is definitely a big leap in the industry of battery cars, and the new technology might spread to other car companies soon.

For more details, read the full article here:
2012 Tesla Model S Full Test

About the Author
The Vachon Law Firm is based in Southern California and focuses exclusively on consumer protection litigation.