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News and Information


Purchasing A Reliable And Inexpensive Used-Vehicle

It’s an indisputable truth that having a vehicle can be a huge help for those who have large families and who are also trying to be self-sufficient. However, some of the families who most need a vehicle often find that vehicles are extremely difficult to obtain because of their financial situation. Some of them may have bad credit, or too little cash to put down.

With this in mind, writers at edmunds.com set out to buy a reliable vehicle with a good interest rate and a modest down payment. After some searching, they found a Lexus with 135,000 miles for $3,200 and they will track the car’s condition for the coming year.

Read the full article here:

The Debt-Free Car Project

About the Author
The Vachon Law Firm is based in Southern California and focuses exclusively on consumer protection litigation.