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Rental Car Companies Claim Recalled Cars Are Not Being Rented

According to the news, a grief-stricken mother has turned a family tragedy into a mission to make sure that all car rental companies in the country are not renting cars that have been recalled previously due to safety issues and that have never been repaired.

The safety advocate’s daughters were killed when the PT Cruiser they rented crashed after the engine experienced a fire due to a known defect related to a recall. There is no law, up to this moment, that doesn’t allow rental companies to rent a recalled car, however, recalled vehicles used by rental car companies cannot be sold.

Four rental companies have decided to promise not to rent recalled cars to their valued customers. For more on this issue, read the full article here:

Rental Car Companies Pledge Not to Rent Recalled Cars

About the Author
The Vachon Law Firm is based in Southern California and focuses exclusively on consumer protection litigation.