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Volvo Makes Some Of The Safest Vehicles, Experts Say

Many years of road tests and reviews revealed that the automaker Volvo works to not only build cars that people want to look at and enjoy driving, but also cars that rate among the highest when it comes to safety.

They shoot to reach the top score in the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s ratings, including the new frontal crash test that replicate a collision caused by the vehicle running into a tree or utility pole at 64km per hour. Only two other cars have passed this test with satisfactory rating and they are not sold in the country.

The car has not only performed well with the IIHS rating’s but also on every other road testing aspect, especially when it comes to the performance of the car.

Read the full article here:
Volvo shoots for the safety stars

About the Author
The Vachon Law Firm is based in Southern California and focuses exclusively on consumer protection litigation.